A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to interview a friend of mine, Jeannine Saadeh.
Jeannine is a junior studying Elementary Education at the University of Kansas. Jeannine is also a Muslim and is eager to share and educate people about Islam. She spoke to my Multicultural Education class on Islam and I was engulfed with interest and curiosity. Jeannine was kind enough to sit down and talk with me about Islam, the presentation of self in her religion, the way she interprets beauty norms, the human body and how precious it is, and her experiences pertaining to all of that. I learned so much from talking with her and I hope that you will take something away from this as well.
Jeannine is a beautiful person both inside and out. The passion that she has for her culture and religion is radiant. She speaks with knowledge and compassion to educate people about Islam.
I decided to split up the interview in parts...this is Part 1. There may be one or two more parts coming later, I haven't decided yet. But I wanted to break it up so you would pay attention to every word she says because what Jeannine has to share with you is important and I don't want to throw it all at you at once!
This is about ten minutes long, and I apologize for the cruddy recording (we recorded the interview at the Underground Cafe on campus...bad idea, I know), but I initially anticipated writing a blog from the recording, but then I realized that I don't think I could do her words and her eloquence justice in writing. You'll just have to listen to her to understand.
So without further adieu, check out Part 1 of my conversation with Jeannine Saadeh.
- Annika Wooton
Miss Butler County 2014