Thursday, December 26, 2013

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night

Well, Christmas is over... All of the houses' lights are slowly flickering off. The trees are coming down and the trashbags filled with wrapping paper are being put out at the end of the driveway.

I've been so lucky to spend the holidays with my family. Christmas was two days for us this year. Christmas Eve was spent with my brother and my mom. Let me tell you about this cool tradition of ours - Every year on Christmas Eve, we get to open one present early as long as Mom gets to choose. Well, it used to be a surprise but then we caught on a realized it was pajamas every year ;) So now we just look forward to our new pj's. This year, however, was slightly different. Mom hand-made my brother and I the onesie that Max wears in "Where the Wild Things Are". SO COOL.

annika wooton, miss butler county 2014, miss butler county

They are so soft and warm. And duplicate as awesome Halloween costumes! We took mom to the airport the next morning super early while still wearing our pj's so she could fly out and spend part of the holiday with her parents. Jansen (my brother) did not take his off until the following evening and only because he really needed to shower.

Christmas day was spent with my dad and my step-family. We woke up bright and early to do presents and then proceeded to fill ourselves with pancakes and cinnamon rolls, yum. One of the coolest things we "got" was a riddle accompanied by a rhyme. I don't remember the whole rhyme, but it told us that the four items that we were given represented words that we had to put together to find out what the gift was. The items were: a tack, a pot, a lightbulb, and a pack of matches. My brothers and I were shouting out "Pin! Light! Bowl! Match!", "Pot! Matchbox! Lights! Pin!", and awful combinations like that. Finally I said "tack" instead of "pin" and we all got it at once - Tacky Light Tour and the Melting Pot.

Our family was going in a limo on the Richmond Virginia Tacky Light Tour and to the Melting Pot for dessert afterward. For those of you who may not be familiar with this activity - Richmond, VA has built a legacy of what we call "Tacky Light Houses", or houses that go way overboard with their Christmas light decorations, and consequently make it on an actual tour during the holiday season. Some of them are pretty incredible. One house we saw had over 700 hand-made decorations that used 170,000 lights. 

annika wooton, miss butler county 2014, miss butler county

annika wooton, miss butler county 2014, miss butler county

Attending college in Kansas and investing a good portion of my life there now makes spending the holidays with my family mean so much more. I am blessed to be able to travel back here to see them during this time and I treasure memories like the Tacky Light Tour and sharing a stupid amount of excitement with my brother when we open a pair of pj's that our mom took the time to hand-make for us. 

annika wooton, miss butler county 2014, miss butler county

I hope you all have had a great holiday season and continue to through the New Year. 

- Annika Wooton
Miss Butler County 2014

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Home For The Holidays

I flew back to Virginia to be with my family over the winter holidays last week. It's really great to see all my family and friends but there is no rest for the weary! I spent yesterday with Rick Mckinney of Rick Mckinney Images getting my headshots done. They turned out so well - I really feel like a queen (:

While I'm home, I am making more progress on my book. I'm working on the text and the layout of it all. Also practicing and working out the details of my talent which is still a secret...! Hoping to get some rest while I'm on break but also keep up with workouts and eating healthy as the new year approaches.

I probably won't be posting as much over the break, but I hope you all have a wonderful holiday and a great start to the new year!

annika wooton, miss butler county 2014

- Annika Wooton
Miss Butler County 2014

Monday, December 16, 2013

From the Wooded Hills to the dreaded Finals Week...

annika wooton, miss butler county 2014

On Saturday I had the privilege of singing the National Anthem at the Miss Wooded Hills pageant. I got to see some good friends and support the four women who competed that night. Savannah Kelley walked away with the title, but all four ladies did a really incredible job.

annika wooton, miss butler county 2014

After a packed extended-weekend, it's full speed ahead through finals week. I have five exams in the first three days - two Wednesday morning before I fly out that evening!! It'll be another crazy couple days, but I've already conquered one exam, I have a critique in an hour and then three more till I'm done. Lesgo!

- Annika Wooton
Miss Butler County 2014

Friday, December 13, 2013

Radiothons, Parades and Pageants, OH MY!

I've been keeping pretty busy this past week, which might not be the best thing to be the week before finals - but I'm staying on my feet! I've had the opportunity to be a part of some pretty amazing events the past couple days.

annika wooton, Miss Butler CountyWednesday, I traveled to Kansas City with Mai-Thy Ta (Miss Woodson County) to volunteer with Mix 93.3's MIX for KIDS Radiothon benefitting Children's Miracle Network. I don't believe they have posted their total from the two-day event yet, but from what I can tell from other posts and updates, we raised well over $177,000! That's incredible. All the money raised during the event is staying in Kansas City and going straight to children's hospitals here. A huge thank you to corporate as well as individual pledges and sponsors, it was a huge success.
annika wooton, Miss Butler County

Thursday (yesterday), I made the drive to Augusta, Kansas where I was part of the Augusta Christmas Parade with Alyssa Marsh, Miss Augusta. We braved the cold and got to ride in a fantastic red Corvette. We met Andy the Alpaca as well as Santa and his elves! It's always great to see our directors, Larry Strong and Juven Nava, too.
Tomorrow I'll be in Leavenworth to sing the National Anthem for the Miss Leavenworth pageant. Then it's godspeed through finals week!! Wish me luck!

annika wooton, Miss Butler County

- Annika Wooton
Miss Butler County 2014

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Finals Week

Finals week is spreading across the country... Mine starts on Monday.

It's important to remember to sleep, breathe, eat, and relax. Studying is important but staying up studying till 4 am is not going to do you any good when you are falling asleep during the test. Take study breaks - go to the gym, get coffee with a friend, watch one episode on Netflix (don't get hooked though).

Finals week gets students very frazzled and stressed. Once it's over, our minds give a big exhale and are off their guard - this is when germs creep in. After finals week, don't let your immune system's guard down. Drink lots of water, exercise, and sleep. It doesn't help that the cold weather is encroaching and we are all inside stewing in each other's germs, but doing these things will help.

That being said - good luck to everyone on your finals. Take three deep breaths before you begin each exam. Know that these exams are not the end of the world...they are very small in comparison to the big picture. So don't stress, it's not worth it.

annika wooton, miss butler county 2014

- Annika Wooton
Miss Butler County 2014

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

I have a surprise for you!

You only get this little peek...

I have mentioned on Facebook that I have big plans for states this year. That is absolutely true. Along with writing and illustrating my own children's book, I have a few other tricks up my sleeve.

In preparation for Miss Kansas, there are several things that go into it...more than some of you might expect. Health, fitness, being up to date on current and political events, finding "the dress", prepping your talent, paperwork, community service and platform work - all things that are considered as June approaches.

Keep checking back to see what I am up to, maybe I'll leak a little more about this surprise before June ;)

- Annika Wooton
Miss Butler County 2014

Monday, December 2, 2013


Over break, I was at the mall on Black Friday doing what you do on Black My mom and I went into a store just to steal a quick look at a pair of pants. On my way out, I was waiting my turn out the door and looked up to see the best thing I could have seen on the other side of the glass door - Kristen Harris.

Kristen Harris was a teacher and mentor of mine in high school. My senior year, I was in a leadership class she was teaching when the school learned that she had been diagnosed with severe breast cancer. My class ended up starting The Harris Project (you can read more about what that is here: ) where we raised over $8,000 for the Massey Cancer Center in her honor.

Kristen's chemotherapy wrapped up right at the end of October, a huge thing to celebrate.  I'm not home often, so running into her and being able to catch up briefly was a real treat. She is the kind of person that you never see without a smile on her face and she is the among the most kindhearted people I've had the experience of knowing despite what she has dealt with. She's a constant reminder of how thankful we should all be for everything we are blessed with and a shining example of positivity.

Stay #positivelypink .

- Annika Wooton
Miss Butler County 2014

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Obligatory Thanksgiving Post

At the end of November, I always anticipate the flow of "what-I'm-thankful-for" Facebook statuses and Tweets. Don't get me wrong, they are great to see and hear, but why do we always wait till November and Thanksgiving time to remember to thank the people we care about and acknowledge the things we are blessed with? I'm guilty of it, too, but my Thanksgiving resolution (we'll start the New Year's resolutions a little early) for the coming year is to remember to be thankful always.

And there's no better time to start than now.

Tomorrow at this time, I will be home with my family... tomorrow could not come sooner. My family is back in Richmond, Virginia. For those of you who did not know - I was born in Kansas, but we moved to Virginia when I was 5. I completed grade school out there and then made the decision to come back to Kansas for college. But that decision means that I am verryyy far from home. I have not seen my parents or my brother since August so saying that I am excited for tomorrow is the understatement of the year.

All that being said - it is apparent that I am thankful for my family. I am thankful for the opportunity to go to such a great school in the great state of Kansas. I am thankful for my friends and their continuing support in everything that I do. I'm thankful for the heat in my apartment when I come inside from the cold! I'm thankful for the many communities that I am a part of that encourage me to grow independently and also alongside them. I am thankful for my teachers - for their willingness to share their knowledge and experiences with me. I am thankful for books.

Of course that's not nearly all of what I am appreciative of in my life. But I am committing right now to remember to be consciously thankful each day of my life - not just at the end of November.

Because there is always, always, always something to be thankful for.

annika wooton, miss butler county

- Annika Wooton
Miss Butler County 2014

Monday, November 18, 2013

Miss Hay Capital

This past weekend, I had the opportunity to be present at the Miss Hay Capital 2014 pageant to give up my title to two new deserving young women. I arrived in Yates Center at 8am after a 5:30am wakeup call. After meeting the women competing that day, rehearsals got underway and interviews started. Before I knew it, it was time for the show.

I was blessed to be asked to sing the National Anthem to start off the program as well as share the stage emceeing with Mandy Ronen. I performed my Top 10 talent from last year at Miss Kansas, Girl on Fire, which was followed by a special performance by the Hay Capital princesses to the original version of the song. Nine women competed on that stage for the titles of Miss Hay Capital and Miss Woodson County. I got to see bits of the phases of competition from the wings. A few special guests made the trip to Yates Center, Theresa Vail, Miss Kansas, Brooke Taylor, Miss Hay Capital 2012 and 1st Runner up that year at Miss Kansas, and Angela Thomas, Miss Woodson County 2012 and Top 10 at Miss Kansas.

At the end of the night, Mai-Thy Ta was crowned the new Miss Woodson County 2014 and Callie Hobkirk was crowned the new Miss Hay Capital 2014. I know these two ladies will represent the area phenomenally through the year as well as when they compete in Pratt for the title Miss Kansas in June. I am incredibly proud of the other seven contestants, some where returning contestants, some it was their first time competing in this division and some it was their first time ever. No matter what, it is always a feat to make it to the end of the night, knowing you did your best and learning from the process to apply it later.

I want to sincerely thank everyone from this program and this community that has offered their love and support to me this year as I represented Yates Center. Traveling to Pratt to compete in Miss Kansas with communal support and well wishes is incredibly encouraging. Megan Weber, my director, happened to be pregnant with twins due the week of states, but somehow she made the trip out to Pratt to support me. I am thankful for her as well as Mary Weber and Lance Davis - all of whom were staples in my success. Lance was kind enough to help me set up my Tip A Queen event at the Feedbunk in Yates Center where the waitresses and I raised $1,000 for the Children's Miracle Network in one night through tips. It was incredible. I also would like to extend my gratitude toward my friends and family both in Kansas as well as Virginia. It means so much to have everlasting love and support being radiated across the country toward me. I have had a wonderful year and am blessed to have spent it with quality people.

On October 26th, I competed in the Miss Augusta/Miss Butler County pageant and was awarded the latter title. So I will be representing Butler County this coming year and at the Miss Kansas 2014 pageant in June. I am looking forward to continuing my journey with the Miss America Organization and expanding my connections and community through my year of service.

- Annika Wooton
Miss Butler County 2014

Monday, October 28, 2013

Miss Butler County 2014

This past Saturday, October 26th, I had the opportunity to compete at the Miss Augusta/Miss Butler County 2014 pageant. Larry Strong and Juven Nava put on an amazing show. I competed alongside a few girls that I already knew from last year and got to meet several new young women. Of course it is always great to see Theresa Vail, Miss Kansas, and Kristen Boxman, Miss Kansas's Outstanding Teen, who were both special guests for the evening.
I performed "Girl on Fire" by Alicia Keys for my talent. The song didn't start three times! I only had time to freak out a little bit before the music finally started on the fourth try and I made it through the song. At the end of the night, I was crowned Miss Butler County 2014. I walked the runway with my new sister-queen, Alyssa Marsh, Miss Augusta 2014.
A huge thank you goes out to Lance, Kelly, Dailey, Jake and Caleb for making the drive to support me. Thank you as well to Juven and Larry. I cannot wait to work with them this year as we prepare for states. The journey to Miss Kansas has begun. Check back here every once in a while to keep up with everything I'm doing - I have big, big plans for this year. Please click the link at the top of the page to learn about the organization and consider donating to Children's Miracle Network Hospitals.
annika wooton, miss butler county
 annika wooton, miss butler county

- Annika Wooton
Miss Butler County 2014

Miss Kansas 2013

annika wooton, miss butler county
annika wooton, miss butler county

 Placing in the Top Ten at Miss Kansas was such an honor! I had a wonderful week getting to know all the young women vying for the title. Theresa Vail, our new Miss Kansas 2013, will be a phenomenal representative at Miss America 2014 this September. It was such a learning experience and one I will never forget. I can't wait till next year.

- Annika Wooton
Miss Hay Capital 2013

I Am A Pageant Girl

annika wooton, miss butler countyThe stereotype of the "pageant girl" is a common one. And it's not surprising that most people think that with shows like Toddlers and Tiaras or Honey Boo Boo. Not to mention, a lot of what an onlooker sees is what we do onstage - the pretty gowns, the walk, the perfect hair and makeup. Tonight, we all reflected and were reminded of what this is really about. Hearing the testimonies of the young women I am surrounded by this week about the Miss Kansas Organization and each other was refreshing. This is the true beauty that I talk about. It's the friendships we make, the support we give each other, and the amount of work it takes to be that girl on the stage. You see the confidence, and the poise, and the grace. Tonight and this week, we have had the opportunity to see the vulnerability, and the dedication, and the passion that is instilled in every single girl that will walk the Miss Kansas stage tomorrow night. It's these connections and experiences that differentiate the Miss America Organization from any other pageant out there and it's why I am proud to say that I am, indeed, a pageant girl.

- Annika Wooton
Miss Hay Capital 2013